On January 20th the NCAA approved a new Constitution. The ratification came despite objections from members who feel it concentrates too much money and power in the hands of Division I colleges. The new structure, which will go into effect on Aug. 1, allows each division more oversight of its own budget, expenditures and financial distribution. It also embraces the new era which allows players to profit off their name, image and likeness.
On this episode of “Office Hours with Dr. De Veau” I was joined by my guest, Matt Burke, Athletic Director at Fitchburg State University to discuss the new NCAA constitution the impact of recent state and federal legislation on student athlete’s rights to profit off their name, image & likeness, and how all of this is moving so fast that the NCAA may be struggling to keep up. Listen up and …
On the Next “Office Hours with Dr. De Veau” - February 9 at 12 Noon
Racially Minoritized Faculty & the Tenure Process
Faculty members on the tenure track have to endure campus politics while producing research that earns notoriety and the respect of their colleagues and the tenure review committee. It can take years, and there are no guarantees. For racially minoritized faculty at Predominately White Institutions the tenure review process is embedded with systemic bias that puts their candidacy for tenure at a disadvantage. Researchers call this “resource deficit consciousness” of time, money, and prestige as faculty members’ internalized negative perceptions of their ability to meet and exceed traditional metrics for tenure and promotion. On the next episode of “Office Hours with Dr. De Veau”, we will be welcoming four scholars who have done research on the topic as we pull back the reality of the tenure process and how it is failing our racially minoritized faculty.
Join me on February 9th at 12 Noon on “Office Hours with Dr. De Veau”, the Next Evolution of Professional Development for Higher Education Professionals. Only on Fireside.
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