In a week, “Whats Up in the Academy” returns to its weekly publication schedule. This year, subscribers will receive more content, and more opportunities to participate in the community. As the #1 Substack for U.S. Higher Education, creator and curator, Dr. Laura De Veau is taking her responsibility to her readers seriously… with additional opportunities to engage with current news, trends and topics.
Dr. De Veau Wants to Know!
August is here and that means the academic year has started. Dr. De Veau wants to know what is Taking Up Your Time as you prep for the arrival of life back on campus. While this isn’t an exhaustive list, do your best:
With the landmark decision on Roe v. Wade, campuses are making changes to their student support regarding reproductive health and abortion care. Dr. De Veau is wondering how this is impacting you and your colleagues as you are preparing for the opening of campus.
I was thinking of checking the covid option on the poll, because a lot of I am confronting as we get closer to the start of the semester are different reverberations from covid: students needing SAP appeals going back to rough academic terms in the past couple years, students struggling with their academic identities, having been thrown into uncertain state from covid, etc.