Let’s get to the point here. We are failing our First Generation college students. Sure, we talk a good game about empowerment, mentoring and leveraging the “resiliency” of these students, but the reality is that markedly, colleges and universities indoctrinate rather than empower, advise rather than mentor and resiliency is simply an overused term for when people have no other recourse than to change course in order to survive. First Gen students make their way to our admissions feel-good stories, but the completion statistics don’t play out. We know that nationally, the graduation rate for these students is abysmal, and this isn’t anything new. The Pandemic has only heightened the urgency to address this in a way that may make a dent for those who need it most. Namely, the students.
Study after study has shown that there are areas of support that are essential for First Gen student success. As we consider what every campus can do in the immediacy, I would argue that these three areas give the most Bang for the Buck from a student service standpoint:
Involve Parents, Guardians and Families
Address “Imposter Syndrome”
Demystify the Academy
I am looking at these three items through the lens of a leader who was consistently asked to achieve more with limited additional resources, and who believes that “top down” implementation will never get the results of a “middle out” implementation. “Middle out” implementation puts the momentum where it should be - at the hands of mid-level managers who must straddle the line of strategy and front line service. They know where there are implementation bugs, and what needs to be done to fix them.
Let’s break it down:
By involving parents, guardians and families, campuses can address a major reason that First Generation students experience limited campus engagement and connection, namely a commitment and a pull to stay connected to home. Make the parents part of the learning experience. Invite them to a special family barbecue at the start of the academic year, have successful First Gen alumni speak with parents at events and stay connected with them during the academic year. By creating a core team of First Generation Alumni Ambassadors, you can create a go-to group that is the face of success. These are also individuals who may be able to participate in ‘real talk’ style interactions with parents and families. For instance, a well positioned alum who can speak to why it is important for students to get employment on campus, participate in campus activities and become immersed with the campus culture will go much further than when this same message comes from an administrator or even a current student. The successful alum is “proof” it can be done, and why it contributed to their success. They can also speak to the difficulties and challenges that they experienced as they navigated family expectations during this time.
Another opportunity to involve parents, guardians and families can be achieved through inviting them to ongoing parent orientation events throughout the four years. Plan these events ahead of time, give out the schedule so folks can plan ahead, and make sure it is clear as to WHY events are being held. Line them up with transactional deadlines (FAFSA, Housing Selection, Registration, etc.) as well as emotional stress points. Record the events and be sure that parents, guardians and families have a point of contact. Family and guardians want to provide support to their students, but they also want to feel of use and have a sense of competency. Help them develop that competency and they will make themselves of use.
What does this cost? Well, food is always a factor, but you may be able to find sponsors or a local business willing to donate food due to the “feel good” focus of the event. For alumni, giving them some campus swag and an appreciation meeting with the president, the football coach or some other campus celebrity is a huge opportunity for them to feel appreciated.
In my recent interview with Lynn Zlotkowski, the issue of “imposter syndrome” came up as a real challenge for First Generation students. Dr. Zlotkowski’s research and findings showed that for First Generation Student Athletes, they experienced imposter syndrome multiple times, on campus, in the classroom and on the playing field. Imposter syndrome doesn’t happen once and you get over it. It is like a virus that we don’t eradicate. It mutates and shows up again and again, and can be more destructive with each infection.
Dr. Zlotkowski spoke of the necessity for campuses to build “aspirational capital” and that is where we need to concentrate in order to break through the imposter syndrome spiral. Calling out the signs of imposter syndrome is the first step toward addressing it. Students need to find their way to this through conversations with trusted coaches, advisors and peers. By creating an imposter syndrome training program that equips these individuals with the skills they need to identify when imposter syndrome is emanating from a student, then intentional actions can be taken to guide students through this time of self doubt. This type of program also comes to illustrate to the student that they are not alone in their feelings and what they are experiencing. Let’s be honest, we would create a team to address something that no one is challenged by - correct?
Utilize existing student success platforms to deliver good news to students. Rather than mid semester warnings, flip the narrative to deliver high points to students in order to show that they are on the right track. There is far too much talk of ‘warnings’ and ‘probation’ and while I’ve never been someone who believes in handing out participation trophies (in fact, I loathe them), this isn’t what I am proposing. If we are encouraging students to call out when they feel like they are “imposters” should we not encourage them to call out when they are “achievers”? In order to do so, we need to give them the proof that they are succeeding.
What does it cost? Not much. Time is a factor, and the development of a good training may be more than you can muster, so hiring a trainer could be a cost, but it is likely that you can manage the training, the changes in workflow and other elements of this internally and at no additional cost to you.
Colleges are filled with acronyms, outdated terminology and confusing bureaucracy. By putting forth intentional ways that will demystify the academy, we may find that students who simply find the maze of processes as a hindrance to their success can cross the finish line. We know that students don’t read email. If you think otherwise, I’m going to stop you right there - you are wrong. Students, faculty and staff don’t read emails - or at the very least don’t read the ones we really need them to. We have student portals, chatbots and other methods to deliver student service, but what we largely don’t have is a ‘translator’. If you have ever traveled in a foreign country, navigating streets and subways can be overwhelming, but with a guide you can learn your way around faster and can eventually cut the guide loose, or return to the country more confident as a traveler.
Campuses have a cadre of translators, they are called “student leaders”. Tour guides, resident assistants, orientation leaders, etc. are all more than equipped to act as translators. By hiring a core team of translators to manage a hotline, chatbot, infodesk, etc. you create a go-to-team. But, that means people need to actually - GO TO THEM. Take it one step further, give students an email ‘opt in’ where they are delivered videos (made from the student translators cell phones and posted on tiktok or instagram). The street team of translators is empowered to build the reputation as an accessible and knowledgeable team that is here for their fellow students.
What does it cost? This is the area where you may have to find more work study dollars, or reallocate existing dollars. I am specifically highlighting work study rather than student employment or stipends because those dollars go further. But, these could become highly sought after positions, and creates an A-Team of campus influencers/translators who have come to be known for their commitment to peer success.
Consider that the last 18 months has been less than optimal for First Gen students, who even in the best of times were not ideally served. Student affairs and services professionals need to take a look at where their existing First Gen programs are underperforming and use this time to stop talking and take action.