The difference in tone, in messaging and in outlook from June to August within higher education has been notable. In May and June we were holding in-person commencement ceremonies. And while many were without guests, they were happening. Creative celebrations, such as student parades through campuses where faculty cheered on graduates while videographers created personalized and truly engaging experiences for families viewing from their sofas at home were more common than not. We had something to celebrate. The 2020-21 academic year was over, summer arrived and we survived.
Vaccines were rolling out, and faculty, staff and students were getting the jab. In March, Rutgers University came out head of the pack to require vaccines. In late April, the American College Health Association recommended that colleges mandate vaccinations. The ACHA clearly hoped that getting the news out early would show that they were enthusiastic about the effectiveness of the vaccines and that this would bring a sense of security and safety to campus life. With the vaccine we could live with the virus, as we continue to work to eradicate it.
But with a global nexus event that brought us the Delta Variant coupled with the less than adequate vaccination rate of the general public, and most notably with the 18-25 year old population, college campuses have become a focus for vaccination mandates. Punitive measures and popular incentives are being implemented on campuses across the country. But there is push back, with Indiana University students refusing to get the jab taking their case to the Supreme Court, who ultimately upheld the IU vaccine mandate. Through a series of judicial setbacks, students and counsel were given a direct message, most clearly articulated by appeals court judge (and Ronald Regan appointee), Judge Frank Esterbrook: “People who do not want to be vaccinated may go elsewhere. Plaintiffs have ample educational opportunities.”
This week, the President of Penn State University, Eric J. Barron responded to public criticism of the University’s covid response for the fall semester, and made a plea for understanding. To Barron, the political landscape in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania was the reason for the loosey goosey policies. In a letter to the community he indicated that the political landscape was the reason for the covid testing, masking and vaccination decisions, stating that Penn State’s funding “relies on strong bipartisan support.” Clearly, Barron and other PA state campus presidents are worried that the GOP stacked state legislature may use the COVID policies as a reason to withhold funding.
Beyond the virus, campuses are under siege from cultural incivility and racism, from attacks from the political right seeking some sort of control over classroom teaching, and more. There is not a more important time for executive leadership to send a clear message as to who they are and what the campus stands for. By defining their institutional mission, their vision and their values - and linking them to how the campus will be responding to and preparing for these and other challenges campus executives will set a tone and show their acumen as leaders.
This is a time to be a bold and confident leader - no matter if you are at the executive, mid-manager or entry level. Campuses can use strong, values driven language when setting forth expectations for the year ahead, and during the time of COVID campuses can actually become incubators for compassion, civility and community. Campus leaders can put forth a level of executive leadership that is lacking in statehouses, in boardrooms and in news rooms. By leading with a level of fortitude that shows not only an eye on risk management but also with a commitment to the mission, vision and values that make the campus special - university and college leadership can send a message to the world beyond the campus walls.
Creating a nexus event that will provide a much needed boost of effective leadership into our society would be an awesome opportunity for campuses to become known for. And right now is the time.
“What’s Up in the Academy” is written each week by Dr. Laura De Veau, Principal & Founder of Fortify Associates, LLC, and distributed to paid subscribers.