As the decline in traditional age students continues, campuses are strategizing how to fill seats in order to make budget, and keep the engines chugging. Executive programs, degree completion and +1 (Bachelors/Masters) programs are great for exposure, but without a complete shift in institutional priorities, they are not enough to fill the gap of actual full-time students. Transfer students, both of ‘traditional age’ and ‘adult learner’ who enroll as full-time students are key to the enrollment puzzle. But this past year has seen a downturn in transfer student enrollment. As such, we should be looking to recalibrate how we attract these learners.
While four-year campuses will need to compete with on-line programs, certificate mills and other more transactional offerings, the traditional campuses do possess something that these other programs do not - a space where community fosters a sense of belonging. In a recent episode of “Office Hours with Dr. De Veau” we discussed the transfer student experience, and why poor transfer completion rates coupled with the image that transfer students are ‘lost’ and ‘rudderless’ may be creating a PR problem for campus transfer programs. This public relations issue isn’t limited to parents, movies and television shows - leadership on campus have similar outlooks.
I have heard professors, deans and department heads speak of transfers as a monolith. They are not. The reasons for transferring range from emotional well-being, change in major to returning to the workforce - and beyond. Additionally, I have seen enrollment and financial leadership place transfers into a category of ‘supplemental’ or ‘add on’ where they are not considered something to be factored into the overall enrollment plan in a strategic way. As educators, we have the opportunity to create actual enrollment and retention strategies that can harness belonging as a basis for student success.
During my doctoral research, I coined the term “destination campus” to describe the transfer institution that students were moving to. It has a bit more flair to it than “transfer school” and, I believe, sends a more aspirational and positive message than ‘landing pad’. Students who have chosen to transfer in order to continue their education seek out a “destination campus” which will fit their needs. This sends a more positive message, and messaging is part of the battle against our transfer student services PR problem. If institutions seek to become a “destination campus” rather than a “landing pad” we can start to perform better for our new students.
Some campuses are doing more intentional work around the administrative challenges that students face during the transfer process. A portion of these efforts - especially for private institutions - is grounded in the challenges of the pandemic, while some state institutions have attempted to make the transfer process more seamless. These transactional efforts have value, but for student success and completion, we need to bake in belonging as part of the effort. This begins with institutional philosophy around transfer students, their place on campus and the college’s commitment to their completion. Campuses must consider the following:
Create clear pathways. State institutions have done a good job of laying out where general education courses are accepted for in-state Community College transfer students. Private institutions may believe that this is out of bounds with what they can provide. I challenge you to be nimble here. Consider your local CC campuses, take a deep dive into their offerings and lay out a pathway for students. In other words, show them what will transfer and what will be their likely standing at the time of transfer. Students are looking for a roadmap to success.
Transfer orientation that is ongoing. In person traditional orientation programs may not fit the needs of transfer students - especially if they are based on first year orientation programs. Students know when something is recycled. Create something that delivers to students the information that they need in a space that respects their experience. Transfer students will suffer from institutional confusion - hit this head on, by defining what their experience will be during both the transactional aspects of their transition as well as the emotional ones.
Respect their experience and individuality.Don’t treat them as a monolith. Period.
Act like a destination campus, not a landing pad. Create a sense of pride of place before students even consider transferring to the campus. Define your most prevalent transfer pools (adult learners, traditional age, degree completion, etc.) and show that you have thought through the experience for these students. As students shop around for a destination campus, they want to feel seen - so SEE them.
Finally, build belonging - intentionally. Individuals want to be a part of something. When investing in something that costs time, money and sweat equity, they want to feel that they have made the right choice. Honor the student’s past experience, and welcome them into the community of learners on your campus by acknowledging what they bring beyond their course credits. Treat them as contributing members of the community, invite them in, and encourage them to connect fully as students - not as a ‘transfer’ alone.