Friday Replay: December Think Tank
With Dr. Gage Paine, Beth Grampetro, MPH, CHES & Dr Cory Davis
Each month “Office Hours” is lucky to be visited by several outstanding guest on the Think Tank episode! The December Think Tank takes on current news about campus response to mental health and how does the field of Student Affairs attack the loss of staff who re leaving Higher Education? With think tank members: Dr Gage Paine, Dr. Cory Davis & Beth Grampetro, MPH.
Dr. Laura De Veau is Principal & Founder of Fortify Associates, LLC. Fortify Associates, LLC is unique in the higher education, not-for-profit, and public service market. Fortify Associates provides comprehensive workshops, program reviews and project management services with a combination of in-person and virtual delivery. Fortify Associates is committed to creating experiences that are unique to the needs and culture of each of their clients. Fortify Associates wants to elevate your organization and help you optimize your workplace. Contact Dr. De Veau to book your spring semester program review, workshop or other consultation.
This is a fascinating issue - in the last two years - since COVID, I've seen a steady increase in students seeking mental health help - directly asking, rather than simply struggling or hiding or waiting for me to approach. I've had great success at one school where I'm an adjunct - that is, students report finding the help they need after a referral. But, I wonder about the general preparedness of colleges for the mental health needs of students - and is the current level of service use sustainable?