Welcome to Episode 8 of SAPros On the Road. Mini podcast episodes about the current state and the future of the Student Affairs profession, straight from the source.
I want to thank all my guests for their enthusiasm and authenticity. This was a great amount of fun. There are some guests whose thoughts and opinions will resonate with you more than others, but I do hope the series in full fills your spirit. The bottom line is that the future of the Student Affairs profession is stronger because of the range of thoughts, creative ideas and dedication that these professionals embody.
You know you are old when your former graduate assistant not only earns their Ph.D., earns a full-time faculty role, earns tenure and then … becomes an Associate Dean. Well, Dr. Annemarie Vaccaro is my reminder of how long I’ve been doing what I’ve been doing, but also, how fortunate I am that I have had a wee bit of influence on such a tremendous individual. At the University of Rhode Island, Annemarie serves both as a leader of the College of Education but also is having a daily impact on the future of the field by teaching in URI’s College Personnel Program.
It should be no surprise that the conversation focused on how we prepare the future of the Student Affairs field and what we need to do to remain current while connected to the traditions of our work. We also discuss an area of interest for both of us - students with disabilities and the research she is currently performing. I am looking forward to her publication on the subject. Speaking of please be sure to check out her publications.
I was asked by the NASPA, Student Affairs in Higher Education, Region 1 conference committee to set up shop at the conference with my podcasting equipment and hear from current Student Affairs Professionals. I gladly did so, and on a beautiful November day 13 SAPros imparted 3 and a half hours of content … I had a lot of audio to sort through.
As the interviews took place in the middle of a conference where participants were happy to be out of the office, mixing with old friends and new acquaintances, I found the conversations were highly energetic. There is also some background noise at times, so please hang in there and be understanding.
We have three interviews remaining and they will be released June 5, 12 and 19. Stay tuned!