Welcome to SAPros On the Road. Mini podcast episodes about the current state and the future of the Student Affairs profession, straight from the source.
I want to thank all my guests for their enthusiasm and authenticity. This was a great amount of fun. There are some guests whose thoughts and opinions will resonate with you more than others, but I do hope the series in full fills your spirit. The bottom line is that the future of the Student Affairs profession is stronger because of the range of thoughts, creative ideas and dedication that these professionals embody.
Third of 11 in the series of mini-episodes, Adrienne Kisner joins me. Always someone who brings thoughtful honesty to her comments, Adrienne , has unique point of view having received both her Masters and Doctoral degrees from the Boston University School of Theology. Her background in campus ministry led her to a career in Student Affairs. During this conversation, Adrienne gives a glimpse into the impact of collective bargaining on the resident assistant position and how the move to unionize is a complex one.
Learn more about Adrienne’s Young Adult Novels.
I was asked by the NASPA, Student Affairs in Higher Education, Region 1 conference committee to set up shop at the conference with my podcasting equipment and hear from current Student Affairs Professionals. I gladly did so, and on a beautiful November day 13 SAPros imparted 3 and a half hours of content … I had a lot of audio to sort through.
I have chosen to post these mini-episodes here every other Wednesday beginning February 14, 2024 in the order in which they were recorded. Think of it as a very special Valentine’s Day present. The choice to keep the posts in the order they were recorded is for no other reason than listeners can refer back to previous mini-episodes because there are call backs that do come up from conversation to conversation.
As the interviews took place in the middle of a conference where participants were happy to be out of the office, mixing with old friends and new acquaintances, I found the conversations were highly energetic. There is also some background noise at times, so please hang in there and be understanding.