On February 22, 2022, Russia invaded Ukraine. One year later as the war continues to rage, the national university of Ukraine, Karazin Kharkiv National University (KKNU) has been all but leveled. The damage that has been done to the campus shows that classrooms, laboratories, athletic facilities, dormitories and the library are unusable. According to Dr. Olena Muradyan, the University has started their current term of classes online. She continues to perform administrative management from a distance, but returns to campus almost daily.
University Library Staircase. The University library holds some of the oldest books and records in Europe. Many of which have been destroyed or damaged.
Via a text message thread in WhatsApp, Dr. Muradyan indicates that there is a deep need for donations. There are two specific funds that she highlights:
The first is a special program for the purchase of e-books for Ukrainian Troops. The University will upload Ukrainian classics to the e-books. According to the funding drive website “ from Skovoroda and Kvitka-Osnovyanenko to Honchar and Zhadan 13,200,000 hryvnias, we have already collected 120,000 titles… We all personally, as communities, and as a university - have not stopped and will not stop collecting funds for equipment for fighters, in particular, for bulletproof vests, warm clothes, drones, cars, etc. [However,] it seems to us that spiritual warmth is powerful. The Ukrainian word is capable of supporting, directing, comforting in moments when the soul is heavy. Why? Because this is precisely the value that universities can provide.” To donate to this e-book program click here.
University President, Kaganovska stands in what remains of the University Athletic Center.
The second is the Kharkiv Karazin University Foundation. The Foundation, under the leadership of University President, Professor Tetyana Kaganovska was created as a charitable entity to support the University and its employees in times of war and after-war hardships. Current initiatives of the fund include: financial support for members of the University community, digitization projects and replacing and repairing institutional infrastructure. “Kharkiv University has already made and continues making a tremendous contribution into national and international science, as well as into the development of culture, sports, and education. Even in wartime, the University keeps on functioning and providing professional training of future specialists together with their social and patriotic upbringing. But obviously, the war sets its limitations and poses its risks that substantially complicate the University’s work.” To donate to the Foundation click here.
What remains of a campus coffee shop.
Dr. Muradyan’s spirit and resolve is absolutely inspiring. She continues to put the education of the University’s students first, and is committed to keeping the operation of the institution alive - regardless of the circumstances. Students are scattered throughout the world, learning remotely and in residence with campus partners that are sponsoring KKNU student research and in person learning. If you have not had a chance to listen to the interview from Season 1 of “Office Hours with Dr. De Veau” with Dr. Muradyan recorded on June 15, 2022 it will provide you with some insight into her leadership.
As we pray for peace for the people of Ukraine, let us consider what we can do to support educators teaching and students learning in some of the most challenging circumstances imaginable. Glory to Ukraine!